Committing yourself to your dream is the first step to the fulfilment of that dream. The interesting thing about life is that it really is a journey because there are some lessons I've learned very succinctly at least 50 times. And yet each time, it is like a revelation. This is one of those lessons.
I haven't learnt it by personal experience but rather by other people's experiences. In the past, everything I have had to achieve has had to do with education and honestly, being educated in itself was never my dream. It was a necessity. A step I had to take to make my dreams possible.
Now as I aim for something that has actually been my dream since I was a teenager, I'm committing myself in a way that I never have before. Above all, I am committing my plans into my Lord's hands daily because with Him, all things are possible. I need His guidance, His grace, His power and His protection as I work to make my dreams happen. And I'm seeing that it's true: if you want something badly enough, you will commit to it. And as you do so, God will bless your efforts and the fruits of your hands and mind will be great and abundant. As I work hard, I see the Lord opening doors for me. He is making things easier for me as I go along. He is giving me uncommon favour. People are willing to help me in ways that I would never have thought they would before. I am so grateful! I am expecting to succeed and I am ready for any obstacles I may meet along the way because God is with me.